Study on Swept-Frequency Measurement of Complex Permittivity Based on Microwave Dielectric 基于波导&矢网系统的微波介质介电参数扫频测量方法研究
Using Coaxial Cavity and Coalesce with Perturbation Techniques to Measure Medium's Complex Permittivity 同轴谐振腔及微扰法测量介质介电常数
Measurement of complex permittivity of microwave dielectric materials using TM_ ( 0mn) modes 基于TM(0mn)模式微波介质材料复介电常数的测量
Design of Measurement System Software for Complex Permittivity Based on LabWindows/ CVI and GPIB 基于LabWindows/CVI介质复介电常数的测量系统设计
Millimeter Wave Complex Permittivity Measurement for Low Loss Dielectric Disks by High Q Resonance Cavity Method 高Q腔法测试透波材料毫米波复介电常数
Stripline test method for complex permittivity of microwave dielectric substrates GB/T12636-1990微波介质基片复介电常数带状线测试方法
Microwave imaging is a kind of contactless imaging technologys based on complex permittivity of biological tissues. 微波成像是一种非接触式的对生物组织复介电常数的成像手段,生物组织的生理或病理变化通常会造成组织介电常数的变化。
The research result shows that a planar wave going through a magnetic boundary does not produce the depolarization effect when the relative complex permittivity of the magnetic medium equals its relative complex permeability. 结果表明,当磁性媒质的相对复介电常数和相对复磁导率相等时,通过空气与磁性媒质边界的平面波不存在退极化效应。
Effects of Type and Concentration of Dopants on Complex Permittivity of Polyaniline at Microwave 掺杂剂类型和浓度对聚苯胺微波介电性能的影响
This paper proposes a coaxial probe technique for measuring microwave complex permittivity of dielectric sheets. 提出了一种可用于测量片状介质材料微波复介电常数的同轴探头技术。
The XRD and TEM method was performed to analyze the component and the particle pattern of the manganese dioxide respectively; the complex permittivity and complex permeability was measured by the coaxial method in 2~ 18GHz, and the EM characteristic of the manganese dioxide was investigated. 通过XRD、TEM手段分析了活性二氧化锰的成分和颗粒形貌,用同轴法测量了其复介电常数和复磁导率,并在2~18GHz内对其电磁性能进行了分析。
Simultaneous Measurement of Complex Permittivity and Complex Permeability Using Stripline Method 带线法同时测量复介电常数和复磁导率
The thesis presents the measurement principle and its disturbance factors, as well as the method to obtain the complex permittivity of pressboard with a lumped circuit model. 论文详尽介绍了介电测量技术的原理及影响因素,并提出了利用集总电路模型求被测绝缘纸板的复介电常数的方法。
The dielectric constant of the oil was measured. However, the complex permittivity varies with temperature. 测出了该油的介电常数随温度的变化规律;
Experiments show that the equivalent complex permittivity change with time nonlinearly. 实验已证实了化学反应体系等效复介电常数随时间的非线形变化是非常明显的。
A new method is presented to determine the complex permittivity and complex permeability of electromagnetic medium at microwave frequencies. 提出了一种测试介质材料微波复介电常数和复磁导率的新方法;
A simple method for nondestructive measurement of the complex permittivity of substrates at microwave frequencies is presented. 提出了一种无损测量微波电路基片复介电常数的简单方法。
Measurement of complex permittivity and permeability in dielectric materials placed on a substrate using waveguide method 波导法测量有衬底介质复介电常数和复磁导率
The development of an electromagnetic parameters ( including relative complex permittivity and complex permeability) test system was studied in this paper. 本文研究材料电磁参数(相对复介电常数和相对复磁导率)测试系统的开发。
Theoretical Calculations of Microwave Complex Permeability and Complex Permittivity of Polycrystalline iron Fiber Absorbers 多晶铁纤维吸收剂微波复磁导率和复介电常数的理论计算
XRD, SEM are employed to study the construction and composition of the substitution, the complex permittivity and complex permeability of the samples between 2~ 18 GHz are tested through coaxial method by a network vector analyzer. 通过XRD、SEM等手段研究了取代物的结构和组成:采用了网络矢量分析仪,通过同轴法测试了各取代物在2~18GHz频率范围内的复介电常数和复磁导率;
With heat treatment temperature increasing, the complex permittivity of W-type ferrite hollow microspheres decreased; 随热处理温度的升高,W型铁氧体空心微球的介电常数降低;
This paper is mainly focused on the theoretical methods and engineering applications of complex permittivity measurement for biological tissues. 本课题主要对生物组织电参数的微波测量技术理论和工程应用展开研究。
Both complex permittivity and complex permeability of the samples decrease with the increase of Ni content. 样品的介电常数和磁导率随着Fe含量增加而降低。
For the microwave dielectric materials, many of its features depend on the complex permittivity of the material. 而对于微波介质材料,其很多特性都取决于该材料的复介电常数。
This research on the relationship between the impedance matching degree and microwave reflection from microwave frequency and complex permittivity/ permeability shows that. 对阻抗匹配度与微波反射吸收之间关系的研究表明,阻抗匹配度与微波吸收之间的关系不受频率和复介电常数、复磁导率的影响。
The attenuation factor and refractive index of concrete are measured using microstrip antenna array, the value of attenuation factor and the refractive index is gained, and complex permittivity of the concrete is figured out using these two terms. 利用微带阵列天线对混凝土的衰减因子和折射率进行了测量,得到了衰减因子和折射率的值,并利用这两个值计算出了混凝土的复介电常数。